SVS at ACHILLES HEEL in Brooklyn, NY
SVS at ACHILLES HEEL in Brooklyn, NY
Andrew Tarlow and Lee Desrosiers of Achilles Heel are New York’s ultimate food and drink sherpas. From their comfortable hideout in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, they guide us through corners of our mouths that have been lying dormant, reminding us what our senses are for.
We joined forces one balmy night in May, inviting our New York SVS Members to join us for an evening of wood-grilled lamb and spring vegetables as the sun set over the East River.
The New York Times described an evening at Achilles Heel back in January: Time there moves at a pace that is decidedly pre-hashtag. Its light has a faraway, amber quality you could call cheerful gloom. And it is among the most soothing places in the city to cradle a glass while the day shortens and slips into the night.
This will always be a spot of New York where Sonoma Valley doesn’t feel that far away; thank you, boys.
Text & images by Alex Tieghi-Walker